
There are big changes happening in the osteopathic family medicine profession right now and I’m happy to say that the new developments will be great for ACOFP members!

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There are big changes happening in the osteopathic family medicine profession right now and I’m happy to say that the new developments will be great for ACOFP members!


ACOFP attended the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) House of Delegates meetings at the end of July in Chicago. It was a very successful, positive meeting this year. There was an air of change and cooperation. The new AOA CEO made the announcement of an open, direct and transparent relationship with members and staff.

The 2019-2020 AOA President, Ronald R. Burns, DO, FACOFP, was also sworn in at the House of Delegates. Dr. Burns outlined three areas that he’ll focus on this year, which all align very well with the goals and strategies of ACOFP:

  1. The certification process

  2. Affiliate relations

  3. Member benefits

    ACOFP submitted resolutions on several issues that are important to ACOFP member physicians, residents and students.

    Resolution 1. The AOA Board of Trustees, through the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS), shall ensure that osteopathic principles and practices (OPP) remains an integral and required part of AOA board certification and re-certification examinations as appropriate for each specialty.

    This Resolution was signed by seven other specialty colleges and passed with the four strong policies:

    1. Continued osteopathic content in the certification process as appropriate to the specialty

    2. Continued opportunity for an OMM practical by any specialty

    3. Continued specialty-specific content

    4. Continued osteopathic content in the osteopathic recognition (OR) training programs

Resolution 2. The AOA shall require the certifying boards to notify the physician of their score within eight weeks of taking the test.

Resolution 3. The resolution on utilizing the OMT Boot Camp for partial fulfillment of OCC component four was referred to the BOS. The issue is now in the hands of AOBFP and ACOFP to work out the details and present to the BOS for approval.


ACOFP is excited that the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and the American Board of Osteopathic Family Physicians (AOBFP) have moved forward with new Early Entry Certification (EEC) program!

The EEC program will allow a resident to take a shortened AOBFP initial certification exam. The residents that take this exam will have early entry into Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC), which reduces the requirements they need to meet in their first certification cycle. As further detailed in the AOA announcement, a resident only needs to take two (2) ACOFP/AOBFP In-Service exams (ISEs) prior to being eligible for the EEC.

There are several major benefits to this new exam format:

  • The EEC exam will consist of fewer questions and be available at a lower cost than the traditional cognitive exam for board certification.
  • The OMT performance exam is now optional.
  • The OMM practical will be optional for the initial certification. If the physician chooses to take the OMM practical, then it will be reflected in the certificate. If the resident does not take the OMM practical on the initial certification, they have the option to do so later.
  • There will be a way for a resident to register for the ISE as an individual so that their ability to take advantage of this EEC will not be determined solely by their institution.

AOBFP is currently finalizing other important details regarding the EEC and will announce them soon.

In addition to this great news, the ACOFP Education and Research Foundation has pledged to financially support third-year family medicine residents with the cost of their unreimbursed expenses. While details are still being completed, grants will be made available to residents taking their initial AOBFP exam to subsidize expenses not covered by their institution.

All these enhancements to the AOBFP certification process make it a very easy decision for osteopathic family medicine residents when it comes to which certification board to choose...OF COURSE, IT IS THE AOBFP!

We believe that these changes will foster a refreshed sense of unity within the AOA, affiliate specialties and the profession. We hope that you share our excitement for these game-changing opportunities!

Robert C. DeLuca, DO, FACOFP dist.

2019 - 2020 ACOFP President