A free member benefit
Get access to the largest video library of OMT videos, whenever or wherever, you need it.
Your Resource for OMT
OMTotal is the largest online video library of osteopathic manipulative treatment. The library is FREE for all ACOFP physician members and allows you to refine your skills with step-by-step demonstrations of OMT techniques.
Comprehensive Content
The OMTotal library contains demonstrations for a broad picture of OMT techniques, searchable by keyword, so you can find what you're looking for in seconds. It also includes videos for pediatric and pregnant patients, as well as instructions for billing and coding.
On-Demand Access
The OMTotal library is available to all ACOFP members from wherever and whenever you choose! Access the library at your convenience online or through the ACOFP 365 Mobile App, and improve your OMT skills on the go.

Highlights from the Library
The OMTotal library has over 180 unique videos. Here are two examples.