Lead at the highest level
The ACOFP Resident Council consists of twelve representatives, that act as regional representatives for resident members. The Resident Council’s goals are to facilitate involvement, leadership, and advocacy among residents and their respective state and regional facilities while serving as a bridge between professional organizations regarding resident needs. On a national level, the Resident Council advocates for the concerns of residents by submitting resolutions to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates. Students may find the Council especially useful as a resource for guidance through the residency program selection and application process.
Get Involved
Join the Resident Council
Help shape the future of family medicine and advocate for your fellow residents by joining the ACOFP Resident Council for a one-year term (April to April).
Application Timeline:
January 15 to March 15
- Must be an active resident member in good standing with ACOFP.
- Must be currently enrolled as a first-year or second-year resident in a family medicine post-doctoral program accredited by ACGME.
- Completed application.
- Statement of Interest
- Letter of Support from Residency Training Program
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Professional headshot
Join a Resident Committee
Participating in a national resident committee offers an excellent opportunity to build professional and personal connections, enhance your leadership skills, and support the mission of the ACOFP Resident Council. The ACOFP Resident Council has committees for OMT, Communications and Engagement, and Resolutions, each serving one-year terms (April to April).
To express your interest in volunteering, please contact your Region Representative by June 15.
Contact Tina Burk at tinab@acofp.org with questions.