Membership Recruitment and Retention Ideas
Use the wisdom of other ACOFP chapter leaders to help develop, grow, and retain members for your state society.
Membership Recruitment Plan
- Review and assess the current recruitment campaigns and strategies: what's working, what's not, and why.
- Define your mission and set realistic measurable goals.
- Identify your target audience, marketing budget, and resources.
- Develop a strategy to grow the membership in your targeted audiences and the most appropriate and cost-effective means of communications (i.e. print brochures, e-newsletters, social media, phone campaigns, and/or in-person techniques).
- Produce recruitment materials that are simple, clear and carry the ACOFP brand. It is essential to personalize your communication to the specific target audience and member. Market your message across multiple communication platforms.
- Track your results to measure which type of communication worked best for your society and/or event.
Document your annual recruitment plan.
New Member Recognition
- Send out a new member welcome packet and make a follow-up call.
- Organize a new member orientation event or recognition program.
- Publish a list of new members in your newsletter and/or on your website.
- Create opportunities for new members to get involved, like being on a committee; being a moderator, speaker, or author; being a national delegate, and so on.
- Request that Board members or leaders make midyear follow-up call.
Send out anniversary letters after one year, five years, ten years, and so on.
Membership Communication
- Use electronic communications such as electronic newsletters, conference promotions, and member recognition.
- Publicize board regular elections to the entire membership in your newsletter, print communication, and electronic communications including social media.
- Monitor and communicate local and national legislation that impacts family physicians.
- Recognize the success and stories of your members in your publications or by submitting them to the National ACOFP for recognition. Promote appointments of local physicians to boards and commissions. Recognize the outstanding contributions and awards of your members.
Reaching Residents and Students
- Reach out to and visit the Osteopathic Family Practice Residency Programs and Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine in your state.
- Invite a Resident and the student chapter president to serve on the state board and committees.
- Subsidize lodging and transportation of a Resident and student who wish to attend national and state conventions.
- Help start student chapters and offer annual grants for campus programs.
- Create an advocacy program to prepare Residents and students to attend DO Day in Washington DC.
- Offer awards to a graduating osteopathic student for service and activism.
Sponsor a family medicine Resident Paper Writing contest with cash prize.
Have an idea you think might be useful to other affiliate leaders?
We want to hear from you. Connect with a member of our staff team today.