To my fellow colleagues,

As my Governorship comes to an end, it is both bitter and sweet. The mentorships and friends I have gained along the way have been both a privilege I will never take for granted and a spark to handle each leadership role I will hold in the future with the hope of producing and fostering leaders as others have done with me. To leave a legacy wherever I thrive and to garner friends and colleagues of support whenever there is only an option to survive. Overall, I can't begin to speak of the amazing opportunities this position has opened up for me while serving as your Student Governor. I've served on committees and with colleagues for the future of our profession in every means from resolutions, DEI, and memberships as well as for the past working with our Historical and Archival Committee to ensure the history for ACOFP will never be forgotten. It has been an honor. However, this privilege and these opportunities don't have to end with me or this position.

You as my fellow medical student can gain these opportunities and mentorship through other ways of getting involved in shaping our profession as future Osteopathic Family Physicians. You can make a difference and this starts by coming to our upcoming 2024 ACOFP 61st Annual Convention. You as a medical student get to register for free and learn all about how to study for boards, residency applications, and the future of family medicine. You will also gain invaluable networking opportunities with the greatest physicians in our field. In fact, this was how I was able to meet Dr. David Park, our current president, and many other phenomenal leaders in our field.

I still remember that very day when I was only attending a breakfast event at the Dallas conference in 2022 because of the free breakfast and I am a poor medical student. To be honest, I was only at the conference to support Dr. Carol S. Browne, FACOFP, who was becoming an all-inspiring fellow for the ACOFP and who was the person who truly showed me the beauty of Family Medicine. However, little did I know at that breakfast event that I was going to sit next to Dr. Park, receive his business card, and even learn more about how to get involved in this organization nationally. Opportunities like this can also be yours, my friend, just by showing up and introducing yourself to everyone you meet. However, if you are too shy or afraid, as I know were at one time, then don’t be afraid. I personally invite and encourage you to come up to me, and I will personally introduce you to all of our amazing leaders. You deserve to know our amazing leadership and you deserve an opportunity to become a leader yourself. So join us, my friend.

Lastly, as I conclude my final report, I want to thank every single one of you for this opportunity to serve you all as your 2023 Student Governor. I was able to provide a voice within our leadership from the side of the students because all of you allowed me to. I hope I have served you all well. Continue being awesome as you are now, my friends, and remember to love yourself.

Sincerely your 2023 Student Governor,

George Tong Yang, OMS-III

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