ACOFP Leadership:
Meet the 2024-2025 acofp board of governors
The Board of Governors is ACOFP's executive entity, with responsibilities delineated in the Bylaws and as directed by the Congress of Delegates.
The board is an elected group of dedicated professionals including the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, and six Governors-at-Large. Additionally, the board includes one New Physician-in-Practice, an osteopathic Resident Governor, or, alternatively, an allopathic Resident Governor with a focus on osteopathic education within family medicine residency that boasts ACGME osteopathic recognition. The board also includes an osteopathic Student Governor. The Speaker of the Congress of Delegates and Vice Speaker, are also part of the board, contributing with a voice, albeit without voting rights.
Selection criteria and processes for these roles are outlined and defined in the Bylaws.
Executive Committee
Congress of Delegates
Executive Director
Become a board member:
The election process
Elections are held in the spring of each year, with applications opening over the summer for the upcoming year.
Board of Governors Responsibilities
- Oversee the College's operations in line with its Constitution, Bylaws, and directives from the Congress of Delegates.
- Implement and uphold policies and resolutions set by the Congress of Delegates.
- Designate an Executive Director to manage the College's administrative tasks, working under the President and the Board.
- Implement urgent interim rules between Congress meetings, subject to the Congress's subsequent review and decision.
- Define and endorse committee structures and their respective members within ACOFP.
- Craft the ACOFP strategic roadmap, presenting its objectives to the Congress of Delegates for ratification.
- Present an annual financial plan to Congress, regularly assess the College's financial activities, and sanction unforeseen expenses aligning with the College's financial aims.
- Formulate investment strategies and oversee the College's financial health.
- Endorse the titles "Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (FACOFP)" and "Distinguished Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (FACOFP dist.)".
- Execute their financial obligations in the best interest of the College's members.